So this weekend has been a little bit of a bore...
I feel like my weekends are either reaaaaally action-packed and crazy or else completely void of physical/mental activity.
I don't know. I suppose it's either one of the two extremes most of the time ...which kind of blows!
It's because when I decide to commit a day to homework, I literally commit the whole day. No breaks, no eating, no peeing... it's crazy. But then I never get very much work done! So I don't really see the point in my "faux-workaholic" attitude.
Anyway, I did get most of one of my assignments done. Unfortunately I've still got to finish it, plus I have 3 chapters to read for one class, a couple of Shakespearean sonnets for another, AND another assignment! Screwed royally. I mean, if I start all of this now I won't be, but who am I kidding?
I think I might call up Ms. Hackett to see if she's available to discuss my commission piece of her kids. I'm so excited for that :)
Okay, there's nothing much else to say today. I'm not feeling very deep.
Maybe I'll give one of those point-form things of my life later so y'allz know how I'm doing ...even though I pretty much tell you how I'm doing in essay paragraph format nearly every day.
i'm tired. good-bye.
ps: night time usually yields better posts out of me. it's the time of day when i'm most emotionally disheveled.
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