Alright, well I finally figured out how to transfer my cellphone pictures onto my pc. I feel quite accomplished! Haha.
I daresay these past two days have been filled with more excitement than in my entire two week vacation! It's pitiful, but true. I was downtown with my friend Danielle on Friday and we went to the Andy Warhol exhibit and educated ourselves a little bit more on the iconic pop artist - who I blindly idolized, up until now. By that I mean that he's not really all that. He's just an artist who worked mostly with silkscreen and got cozy with all the celebs. I don't know what the big fuss was.
However, nonetheless I did purchase a mini print of the Campbell's soup thing. It was only one dollar! Plus tax! ...I couldn't resist.
So we walked around on St Catherine street, tried on some sailor outfits in Urban Behavior, paid a dollar to get a massage from those chairs in the Eaton Center, metroed around town... It was all around an excellent day :) Then on Saturday I had my friends Alannah and Lauren over and we went skating and watched OTH and Seven Pounds (cry). It was good tttttimes.
Now it's Sunday and we have our first day back at school tomorrow and my stomach sinks everytime I think about it.
I wanna do something productive today but at the same time I don't.
My dad finally gave me my much anticipated allowance for the last like 4852 months, so I'm once again quite comfortable in the financial department - yay.
Okay, maybe I'll draw something new. Or else just plop down on the couch and watch some OTH :)
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