Sunday, January 11, 2009

drink up, baby, stay up all night

Hello! So my weekend is nearly over and I'm fucked for tomorrow's chem test, but otherwise, life is okay! :)
..haha, as if.
I was skiing yesterday so now every inch of my body is sore. And I've been sitting in my chair all day studying math, and I tried to get up earlier and I couldn't. Oh and now I'm onto chemistry. It's never-ending.

On the plus side, I did discover a new show called Queer As Folk! Actually, it's an old show that ended in 2005, but it's new to me so whatever :)
It's highly inappropriate and disgustingly gay, but I can't help but find it intriguing And it's not like there's no plot line or anything. It's very watchable. And not just because it's basically unofficial gay porn, ahhhaa. The story behind the show is very good and the men are gorrrrrgeous. At least Gale Harold is.
& it's been decided. I'm gonna draw him sometime.

okay back to work i think? i've really slacked off, and now i'm missing the Golden Globes! fuckerrrr

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