Currently listening to Bella's Lullaby on repeat. Possibly my favourite piano song ever? Okay maybe not
ever, but it's definitely excellent. I succumbed to the hype of Twilight last night... I feel ashamed. I promised I wouldn't give in, because I was a die-hard fan of Harry Potter! But I was momentarily misguided! It wasn't my fault! My dad had it in the public file on my computer! It was
right there in front of me! I couldn't help myself! Anyway, it's a new year so we can leave that all in the past...
So another year has gone by and I don't feel any different. Actually that's not true; I feel worse. I feel like I did nothing this year. I'm a mess. Things that I would have thought would have gone well imploded and now, if possible, I'm worse off than I was in 2007. I could've done without 2008 entirely. Okay, maybe I'm over-exaggerating. Point is, I feel like shit.
Last night was okay, despite the fact that I ditched a party to stay home with my family...
But that turned out to be okay! We stayed in, had some chinese takeout, a couple glasses of spiked cranberry juice and watched Bedtime Stories. The movie was over just in time for the annual Dick Clark New Year's countdown so we watched that; hugs and kisses all around, and then everyone went their separate ways.
I stayed up only a little bit longer, and only now have I realized that we at NO JUNK at all whatsoever. Wow. That's weird? Because my mom bought all this stuff and we had brownies and everything... and we didn't touch any of it??? Strange.
You'd think a resolution for eating less junk would now be in order in light of this discovery, but no. I'm headed for the kitchen right now to make up for last night's uncharacteristic behaviour!
LATER DAWGS. Have a happy January 1st.
I hope everyone's nights were filled with drunken debauchery and unexpected but wonderful kisses at midnight! And well, if you were like me and spent your new year's ever at home in your sweats; just know that the majority of us were! According to Ryan Seacrest, only 1% of people were actually out at parties last night! ... or something like that.