Well, hello there!
It's been a good couple of months since my last post. I don't generally leave things off for that long. Usually, if I haven't visited a site for a certain amount of time, I've abandoned it. Goes to show how committed I am to keeping all my non-existent followers updated!
Haha, shutup.
Anyways, I'm on my new Macbook computer this fine Friday afternoon, exploring its many realms and facets (wow that sounded impressive).
Oh and speaking of sounding impressive, I just got my books from Amazon shipped to me in the mail today! Why would that sound impressive you ask? Well, because the books are all part of my CEGEP Liberal Arts summer reading list! They're all books about ancient history, philosophy and poetry. The poetry isn't that cool, but as far as I can tell the poems are centered around the medieval era, which has always been interesting to me.
Anyway, I don't want to bore you but basically a lot of cool things have been coming my way lately: new Macbook, new BOOK books (ha), ...and well, that's it really. LOL. But still! It's exciting! And overwhelming!
I start school in just a few weeks and I haven't prepared myself at all yet! The books must be started soon (even though a former student in the same program as me told me that the reading list was useless), and I need to get so many other things in order! I need an Opus card for cheaper public transport around Montreal and I need to start my driving lessons so that I can get my license before my learner's permit expires! Ugh.
Okay, all this talk is making me nervous.
In other news, one of my best friends is leaving for France in 34 days. She's going for an entire year! It's supposed to be some sort of cultural experience kind of thing. I'm happy for her and all but it'll be different with her not around...
She's keeping up a blog on Blogger as well, which you are all free to follow - it's bound to get seriously interesting! -, but it won't be the same as having her over for Grey's Anatomy marathons, or sitting with her in English class, or lying on the grass on a sunny day, having talks about nothing.
Le Sigh. She will be dearly missed.
Well, so that we may end this post on a good note, I will put up a picture of me ...in Paris, France.
Brought to you by Apple's innovative, multi-faceted, multi-realmed technology!

Ya. You're looking at some seriously hi-tech shit right here. Apple can actually fly you to Paris and back in less time than it takes to write a blog-post. I know, right?
So that is all. Peace & love.